Business Tax Forms

  • Business Tax FormsForm 1099-PATR

    Form 1099-PATR

    IRS Form 1099-PATR, titled Taxable Distributions Received From Cooperatives, is used to report distributions from cooperatives to their patrons. These…

  • Business Tax FormsForm 1125-E

    Form 1125-E

    IRS Form 1125-E, “Compensation of Officers,” is a supplemental form required for corporations to report salaries, wages, and other compensation…

  • Business Tax FormsForm 7004

    Form 7004

    IRS Form 7004, titled “Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File Certain Business Income Tax, Information, and Other Returns,”…

Individual Taxpayer Forms

Employment and Payroll Tax Forms

Estate, Gift, and Trust Tax Forms

Information Reporting Forms

International Tax Forms

  • International Tax FormsForm 926

    Form 926

    Form 926, officially titled “Return by a U.S. Transferor of Property to a Foreign Corporation,” is a U.S. Internal Revenue…

Penalties, Adjustments, and Appeals

Retirement and Investment Tax Forms

Self-Employed and Freelancers Tax Forms

State Tax Forms

Tax-Exempt Organizations Tax Forms